22 December, 2010

The write stuff

My love for paper products began at an early age during visits to the library bookstore with Dad.  I would peer into the glass cabinet and pick out pencils, pouches, lined paper, paper clips, markers; goodies I adored as a girl of just 8.  The office supply store was one of my favorite places, and shopping for school supplies was the highlight of my year.  Santa once delivered a white board for Christmas! Imagine how many hours I spent playing "school" with my supplies!  To this day journals, sticky notes, hardcovers, pens, notepads and tablets fascinate me; there is something so simple, chic, and practical about them.  And now, how smitten am I to learn that local design house Matter has a storefront to supply the masses with all things hard and soft?  Like this lovely tablet Janae turned me onto this morning; her notes even looked more sophisticated than mine..!
Writesmall tablet, $10

2134 Market Street
Denver, CO 80205

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